
  1. Junior college Merit Scholarship : Students securing 60% marks in aggregate and above in their H.S.C. Examination are eligible to apply.
  2. Senior College Merit Scholarship : Awarded only on the basis of result of the Higher Secondary Examination of the CHSE or equivalent Board.
  3. National Loan Scholarship : To apply for such scholarship students must have secured 50% marks in their previous examination and their parents income should not exceed Rs. 6000/- per annum.
  4. Post Metric Scholarship are awarded by the T.R.W. Department to S.C & S.T. students on application in the prescribed form.
  5. Financial Assistance is given to the children of Goldsmiths affected by the promulgation of Gold Control Order.
  6. Financial Assistance is given to the children of Ex-service Personnel.
  7. Scholarship are awarded to students orthopedically handicapped on application.
  8. Leave Rules for Scholarship Holders.
    Absence without leave for any period up to 30 days at one time will entail loss of scholarship for twice the period of absence. Absence without leave for more than 30 days at one time will entail forfeitures of the scholarship (1) Scholarships may be withdrawn at any time if the progress or conduct of the scholar is unsatisfactory. (2) Leave other than sick – leave. Absence with leave up to seven days at one time will entail no loss of scholarship. Longer absence with leave, other than sick-leave will entail loss of scholarship for the whole period of absence. Students whose scholarships are tenable in the college, may get this scholarship transferred from this college when they take their transfer certificate, provided they make an application to the Principal to this effect.