About Jatini College
The Crest of the College epitomizes the laudable past the dynamic present and the prospective future of the nation. It comprises four distinct symbols with the Ashoka Chakra at the Centre.
The Locomotive & the Vessel:
Stand for the rapid strides made in the field of transport and communication.
The scientific Experiment:
Suggests the headway made in the field of Science & Technology.
The Open Book lighted by a lamp and the pen impressed in the Inkpot.
Imply the light of learning, wisdom and creativity.
The Ashoka Chakra:
The emblem of the ancient Indian wisdom of signifying the inexorable march of time and the need for peace and progress.
Only he who has love and faith obtains ‘Knowledge’
The College is situated on the outskirts of Jatni town beside the Jatni-Bhubaneswar link road within a stones’ throw from the Prananath High School, Jatni. Its location in the relatively tranquil environment, away from the din and bustle of the township offers an advantage that provides conductive academic atmosphere of the institution. Girdled by a good patch of its own greenery & orchard, it is surrounded with barren fields whose open space has surely its own grandeur.
To meet the bare necessity of higher education for the populace of the adjoining areas in general and Jatni are in particular, ChitamaniPanigrahi, MP. andSj. SatakadiHota, Divisional Rly, Manager, Khurda Road during March 76 and as a result of their College of Arts, Commerce and Vocational Studies was established in June, 76 at S. E. Rly Mixed High School building with kind permission of the Railway authorities.
Facilities are available for the students of Jatni College, Jatni to enroll themselves in YRC, NSS, Rovers and Rangers, and Self Defense for Women Units. The College provides ample opportunities for the students to participate in various socio-cultural activities held in the college from time to time.
To empower the youth ensuring physical, moral, intellectual and spiritual growth through quality education and leverage this college into a vibrant centre of learning and research, culminating in a University.
- To provide access to higher education to the youth.
- To provide a platform for the growth of scientific spirit and literary sensibility, professional competence, social and spiritual growth enabling the learners to exceed individual and social expectations.
- To promote vocational competence and professional excellence through implementation of need-based programmes in addition to the traditional ones to address the challenges in a fast changing world.
- To foster and establish multidisciplinary research.
- To adopt a holistic approach for social justice and equity.