- The following examinations will be conducted by the college and non-appearance of students shall be viewed seriously for suitable action by the Staff Council.
- 1st Year of +2 streams – First terminal & Annual.
- 2nd Year of +2 streams and all the classes of +3 stream. Pre-Test & Test Exam.
- Absence from any examination in whole or part will make a student liable for the fine as decided by the staff council from time to time.
- Application for exemption from appearing at the examination will not ordinarily be entertained. In exceptional cases application for exemption made by parents or guardians duly supported by medical certificates in case of the illness of students and endorsed by the concerned proctor in case of the day Scholar may be considered.
- Infringement of any rules printed on eh cover page of the answer books will be regarded as breach of discipline. A student found adopting unfair means in the examination is liable to detention or any action as deemed fit by the Principal.
- A student will ordinarily be allowed to be promoted to the next class if he / she has attended, 75% of the lecturers. In case of the candidates producing M.C. the total percentage of lecturer attended must be atleast 80%.
- Certificate of illness (M.C.) must be produced fro a doctor not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon, if a Govt. Servant or any Medical Practitioner.
- Appearance of the Test / Annual Exam is obligatory for all regular students as per the rules.
- Defaulter’s test will conducted for the students who come under the following clauses.
If he / she has failed to appear in any of the college examination due to following reasons.
- Illness ( on production of M.C. within one week of the commencement of the examination in the subject.)
- Absence from the college on account of extra – curricular activities of the college.
- Absence from the college on account of extra – curricular activities of the college.
- The Staff Council will frame rules from time to time for promoting students of 1st year classes to the next higher class or for sending up the candidate to appear at the University / CHSE Examination.
- Deliberate absence from any of the college examinations is an offence punishable with fine, the amount of which will be Rs. 500/- in total. However, a student may be exempted from the examination on valid grounds for which a timely application should be sent to the Principal along with a certificate from a doctor not below then rank of Assistant surgeon or any registered medical practitioner.
- Selection of the candidate for the University Examinations and the conduct of the students. The Principal has the right to debar a student from appearing at the University examination if he is of the opinion that the said student is of a bad character and may create indiscipline in the University Examinations.
- Misbehavior with any member of the staff of the college will be seriously viewed and the decision taken by the Principal such cases, shall be final and binding.
Council of higher examination
Compulsory Subjects |
1st Year Exam |
2nd Year Exam |
Paper |
Marks |
Paper |
Marks |
M.I.L. (Odia / AE) |
Paper - I |
100 |
Paper - II |
100 |
English |
Paper - I |
100 |
Paper - II |
100 |
Environmental Education |
- |
100 |
- |
- |
Yoga |
- |
50 |
- |
- |
Elective Subjects |
1st Elective |
Paper - I |
100 |
Paper - II |
100 |
2nd Elective |
Paper - I |
100 |
Paper - II |
100 |
3rd Elective |
Paper - I |
100 |
Paper - II |
100 |
4th Elective |
Paper - I |
100 |
Paper - II |
100 |
- The syllabus for 2 years course of each subject shall be divided into two parts namely 1st year and 2nd year carrying 100 marks each.
- The college shall conduct one examination of 750 marks at the end of 1st year. Marks secured in that examination shall be considered for promotion of students to the 2nd year class.
- The examination of 600 marks to be conducted by the CHSE shall be held at the end of Second Year. Pass Certificates will be awarded to the successful students basing on the performance in the CHSE examination only.
- Environmental Education will be taught and assessed at the college level for 100 marks (70 marks for theory and 30 marks for project work) The grades (A+, A, B, C or D in order of merit are to be awarded by the college and the same shall be recorded in the Pass Certificate given by the Council.
- The pass certificates for the examination shall be as follows :
- Subjects with practical: 30% of the total marks shall be diverted for practical examinations and the remaining 70% thereof, for theory. A candidate has to pass separately in theory and practical. Pass marks in Biology shall be calculated taking together the marks secured in both Botany and Zoology.
- Pass marks shall be 30% of total marks in theory paper and 40% of the total marks in practical paper in each subject with 35% of the total marks in the aggregate.
+3 Examination Pattern :
Choice based Credit System is introduced in degree level from academic year 2016-17. The students has to pass the +2 / Senior Secondary or any other equivalent examination from any Board / Council established by the Gov. of India or any State Govt. or any other equivalent examination recognized by Central Board of Secondary Education / Council of Higher Secondary Education, Govt. of Odisha / Dept. of Higher Education / Dept. of Industry or any other Dept. of Govt. of Odisha or Utkal University for enrolment in CBCS course. The course is designed for a three years of six semesters in toto. Odd semester is from July to December (i.e., 1st, 3rd& 5th semester) and the examination shall be held normally in the month of November – December. Even semester is from January to June (i..e, 2nd, 4th& 6th Semester) and the examination shall be held normally in the month of May – June. However the Final Semester shall be conducted in April and result shall be published by end of May. A student would be required to complete semester is compulsory. A candidate admitted to +3 Courses but not registered for 1st semester examination, his/her admission will be automatically cancelled. 75% attendance is a requirement for being eligible to appear at Examination. Up to 15% waiver may be granted by the College Principal at his discretion on Health Ground or participation in sports, cultural activities, NCC and NSS activities etc. A student may clear backlog papers within 6 years. Improvement if any has to be completed within 4 years.
Grade | Mark Secured from 100 | Grade Points | |
Outstanding | “O†| 90-100 | 10 |
Excellent | ‘A+’ | 80-89 | 9 |
Very Good | ‘A’ | 70-79 | 8 |
Good | ‘B+’ | 60-69 | 7 |
Average | ‘B’ | 50-59 | 6 |
Fair | ‘C’ | 40-49 | 5 |
Pass | ‘D’ | 30-39 | 4 |
Failed | ‘F’ | Below 30 | 0 |
N.B. A Candidates has to secure 30% or above to pass in each of the papers. The candidate obtaining Grade-F is considered failed and will be required to clear the back paper(s) in the subsequent examinations within the stipulated time. The candidate securing ‘B’ Grade and above in Core/Honours papers in aggregate will be awarded Honours. The Candidate securing ‘B+’ Grade and above in aggregate in first appearance will be awarded Honours with Distinction (For pass/regular course). Any candidate filling the forms for appearing in back papers/improvement shall not be awarded Distinction.
SGPA – Semester Grade Point Average & CGPA – Cumulative Grade Point Average
A transitory letter grade I (Carrying points 2) shall be introduced for cases where the results are incomplete. The grade shall automatically be converted into appropriate grade(s) as and when the results are complete. A student’s level of competence shall be categorized by a GRADE POINT AVERAGE to be specified as :
A student has to clear back paper (i.e. in the paper / paper one has failed) by appearing at subsequent semester examinations within six years from the date of admission. A student may appear ‘improvement’ (repeat) in any number of papers in the immediate subsequent examination. The higher marks shall be retained. Improvement has to be completed within four years for the date of admission.
EXAMINATION : The end semester examination will be of three hours irrespective of marks. For subject without having practical full marks are 100 per paper out of which 20 marks is allotted for Mid-Semester Examination internal and 80 marks for end Semester Examination. The question papers shall be divided into two parts such as Group-B with one alternative each have to be attempted and all questions shall be of equal value (12 marks x 5). For subject with practical full marks are 100 per paper out of which 20 marks is allotted for Mid-Semester Examination 50 is for End Semester Examination and 30 is for practical. The question papers shall be divided into two parts such as Group-A & Group-B. Group-A will carry 10 short questions of one mark each. The answer should be within two sentences. There shall be 5 long-type questions with one alternative each have to be attempted for subjects having practical. The questions shall be of equal value (8 Marks x 5). Practical will carry 30 marks out of which 10 will be for records.
- Core Course (6 Credits) of 14 Papers = 84 1400
- Disciplines Specific Elec. Course (6 Credits) of 4 Papers = 24 400
- Ability Enhancement Courses (AECC) (4 Credits) of 2 papers = 08 200
- Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) (4 Credits) of 2 papers = 08 200
- Generic Elective Courses (GEC( (6 Credits) of 4 papers = 24 400 Total Credits & Marks = 148 2600