Social Initiatives
NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEMEThe N.S.S. has been introduced in this college since 1980 to promote national consciousness, social responsibility discipline and dignity of labour among the students.
Aims and objectives : It aims at the voluntary involvement of students in various activities of social service and national development. While making a contribution to socio-economic progress it has also provided opportunities to the students to understand and appreciate the problems of the community, generate social consciousness and inculcate in them a sense of dignity of labour. The primary objectives of N.S.s. is to provident occasions to those students who feel motivated to serve the community. Working for and with the community understanding the problems of real life and utilizing their skills and knowledge in solving those problems, would enrich their experience and would have an immense value as a preparation for life. Specific objective : The more specific objectives of the N.S.s. are to arouse student’s social consciousness and provide him with opportunities.
- To work with and among the people.
- To be engaged in non-violent and constructive social activities.
- To enhance his knowledge of himself and the community through an encounter & interaction with reality.
- To put his scholarship to practical use in mitigating atleast some of the social problems and
- To provide him skills in the exercise of democratic leadership. One hundred students can be enrolled in the N.S.S. Units for boys and another fifty in girls’ unit as volunteers for a period of at least two years. Each volunteer has to choose one of the following groups.
- Social Service & Village Development.
- Adult Literary Device
- Rover’s Crew
- Red Cross Activities.
- Village Survey & Campus Project.
There will be one Annual Cap for all the above groups. Attendance in week-End Campus and Annual Campus (75%) attendance minimum) is obligatory. Certificates are issued to the deserving volunteers.
N.C.C. cadets are not eligible for NS.s. Previous experience in social service is given special preference for selection.
N.S.S. &You : You have the advantage of High education, knowledge & competence. Your sense of duty persuades you to come closer to your fellow men and women partaking of their weal and woe and guiding them to a better and prosperous life. You can certainly stimulate in them a longing for better living.
- Full Name (Block Capital)
- Class & Roll No.
- Present Address
- Name of Father/Guardian
- Any previous experience in social service activity
- Any previous experience in social service activity.
- Undertaking : I undertake to participate in the college N.S.S. Units and shall abide by the rules and regulations strictly.
How to work as N.S.S. Volunteers : Students should attend orientation training class in the college and wherever necessary. They should go to villages on Sundays and on any working day to study the problems of the people. They should meet the Govt. Non-Govt. Department Officers to solve those problems and meet the Programme Officer NSS of the college-for detailed information’. Actual travelling expenses (if necessary) and refreshment will be provided to the NSS Volunteer. NSS identity Cards, work diary, badges will be supplied to them after selection Camp diary will be supplied in the special camp. “Special Camp†for NSS volunteers (girls and boys) will be held mostly in the rural areas. The duration of the camp period is 10 days camp. Certificates will be issued during the camp period only at the closing ceremony of the camp.
Certificates and testimonial : Such certificates will be issued by NSS authorities and different departments of the Govt. to NSS.
Volunteers for their active and commendable work such certificates – will help them in building up career and employment.
Application forms for joining in the NSS shall be obtained from the college office. Detailed information regarding the NSS can be available from Programme Officer, NSS Jatni College, Jatni.
YOUTH RED CROSS (YRC)Considering that YRC is an offshoot of war time emergency. Its aim is to build up among the youth the quality of quiet courage and clam imperturbability in the face of extraordinary adversities. Cultivating the ideal of suffices service and dedication to meet the eventualities thrown up by unforeseen situations like natural calamities remains the cardinal objective of YRC.