
The College has a library having about ………………….. (……………….. ) books. The Library subscribes magazines and journals in different subjects and languages. The Management of the library under the administrative control of Principal has been vested with a senior Professor who is assisted by a qualified Librarian.

Section – 1
General Information
  1. The library remains open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on every working day of the College.
  2. The last period of every working day is set apart for office work of the library and during the period no books are issued or returned.
  3. No. books shall be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the librarian and unit it has been proper entered in the issue register and the entry attested by the borrower.
  4. Each borrower must examine the conditions of the books before they are issued otherwise in case of mutilation discovered later the presumption will be against the borrower.
  5. Books shall be returned within the period allowed to the borrower. (See Rule 25).
  6. When the date of the return of a book falls on an authorized holiday, it may be retuned to the library the next day, when the library reopens.
  7. All books belonging to the library and in the possession of borrowers shall be returned to the library before the college closes for the long vacation on or before the date notified for the purpose.
  8. Anybody in possession of a library book shall return it to the library whenever he / she receives a requisition notice from the librarian for the return of the book.
  9. Books taken out of the library must be returned to the Librarian or the Asst. Librarian at the Counter.

  10. No marginal notes or other notes shall be made in the library books nor shall any pictures or pages be removed or torn or otherwise disfigured. In such cases the borrower shall be asked to replace the book, damaged by him / her.
  11. The librarian will report to the Principal the name of the borrowers responsible for improper use of library books.
  12. Although ordinarily there will be no restriction on the use of books in the library, the Principal has the right to stop the issue of certain books to all or some intending borrowers.
  13. A borrower against whom any overdue or other charge is outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from the library and anyone who has got a library deposit shall not be allowed to withdraw it until the library dues are cleared.
  14. If any borrower keeps a library book in his / her possession for more than the time allowed for the purpose, no more books will be issued to him or her until the book concerned is restored to the library. In extreme cases the privilege of using the library may be denied to such persons.
  15. All those who may happen to be inside the library or in its neighborhood are expected to observe strict silence. The librarian should are expected to observe strict silence. The librarian should see that rule of silence is strictly observed and should report any willful breach of the rule to the principal. Members of the teaching staff are also expected to use their influence to promote the observance of this rule. All talking except what is necessary for transaction of library business is forbidden inside the library.
  16. The library premises should not be used for any purpose other than reading or for consulting the books and periodicals of the library.
  17. Spitting, smoking, sleeping inside the library and putting one’s legs on the library furniture are strictly forbidden.
  18. Cases of incivility either on the part of intending borrowers or the library staff or any unauthorized persons who might happen to be inside the library should at once be reported to the principal.
  19. An unauthorized person who forces his way into the library may be turned out of the library by the library staff.
  20. None but the teaching staff, the ministerial staff, may go beyond the library counter. Persons obtaining special permission from the Principal may also work inside the store room of the library.
  21. The following is a list showing the maximum number of books that may be issued to the various classes of borrowers.
    1. Member of the teaching staff – 15- 10 30
    2. Ministerial staff - 2 – 3 15
    3. Class IV employees - 2 – 2 15
    4. Degree student - 2 – 1 15
    5. Hons. Student - 3 – 2 15
    6. H.S. (+2) Student - 1 - 15
  22. If a book has several parts or volumes these should be treated as one book. A book once issued to a borrower may be re-issued to him when nobody else wants to take the book. Books before re-issue shall be presented before the librarian for necessary entries in the registers.
  23. (a) Books of reference, map, text books, University calendars current issue of periodicals, courses of study and rare books shall not be issued for use at home without the special permission of the Principal.
  24. (b) Current issues of periodicals shall not be issued for use at home before the arrival of their next issues.
  25. Members of the teaching staff, the ministerial staff and others may take books from library on signing the issue register or on slips. Students must take out books on cards which will be given to them in the beginning of each session.
  26. The time allowed to borrower is 15 days in case of student and one month in case of members of staff.
  27. Any book lost, damaged or defaced by a borrower must be replaced by him. If the book is one of a set or a series and the volume cannot be obtained singly, the whole set or series must be replaced at the reader’s cost. If the book is rare and irreplaceable, the borrower must pay maximum of double the current catalogue price of the book.
  28. In these cases in which the prices of the lost books cannot be ascertained he should pay as compensation the amount fixed by the Principal.
  29. A person who takes books from the library is supposed to have agreed to abide by the rules. Ignorance of the library rules will be no excuse for the breach of any rule.
  30. A book can only be rei— for 2 — occasions during an academic year.
  31. No books shall be issued 15 days before summer vacation.
Special Rules for Students
  1. The student borrowers are subject to all rules in section I.
  2. In the case of those students who do not return the library book within the time allowed, a fine of Rs. 1.00 per book will be charged for each day of delay subject to maximum limit of twenty rupees. The librarian shall send on the 7th of every month a fine list of the previous month along with a statement, showing the name of students in whose case the fine could be more than one rupee. The fine will be taken from him along with the tuition fee for that month.
  3. Any student who wants to take books from the library should fill his/her library card properly and present it to the librarian. He / she should also present his / her card to the librarian whenever he / she wants to return a book.
  4. Ordinarily no student will be allowed to keep library books with him during the summer vacation.
  5. If a student loses his card, another card will be issued to him on application and on payment of Rs. 20.00
  6. Only one book at a time may be issued to a borrower for overnight use at home, which must be returned to the library before 1.00 pm. The next day.
  7. Loss of library card should be limited to the librarian immediately.
  8. Library card will be issued to the students only on production of identity cards along with admission receipts.
  9. (a) Reading room : For use of the reading room ordinarily one book or journal at a time may be issued to each student. All such books, journals must be returned to the librarian 15 minutes before the library, Reading Room closes for the day. If a student fails to return the books/ journals a fine of 50 paise per day per copy will be imposed on him with a maximum of double the cost of the said books / journal.
    b) Reading Room shall open from 10 pm. To 3 pm. On all working days or otherwise notified for the purpose.
    c) all reduce must ——.
    d) Not in pression of I cards shall with house.