Student Welfare
- All scholarship and aids are granted subject to satisfaction conduct and diligent studies.
- Scholarship may be withdrawn at any time if the progress of conduct of a scholar is unsatisfactory.
- No person receiving scholarship shall be permitted to hold are other scholarship provided wholly or party by the Govt. without the special sanction of the director of higher education.
Such sanction will be accorded only for distinguished merit.
Deserving S.C. & S.T. students are exempted from payment of tuition fees, on production of a certificate in the prescribed from an M.L.A. or M.P/or an Executive Officer not below the rank of the B.D.O. in whose jurisdiction the scholar resides. They are also required to produce an income Certificate in the prescribed form within a fortnight of their readmission for consideration of their castes.
- Besides, free studentships are granted to exceptionally brilliant students.
- Aid from S.S.G. :Annual Aids are also given to deserving students by the college S.S.G. Fund.
- Aids from S.A.F. :Similar Aids are also given from the College S.A.F.
State scholarship : Number of Scholarships are awarded by the State Govt. on merit only.
- Junior college Merit Scholarship : Students securing 60% marks in aggregate and above in their H.S.C. Examination are eligible to apply.
- Senior College Merit Scholarship : Awarded only on the basis of result of the Higher Secondary Examination of the CHSE or equivalent Board.
- National Loan Scholarship : To apply for such scholarship students must have secured 50% marks in their previous examination and their parents income should not exceed Rs. 6000/- per annum.
- Post Metric Scholarship are awarded by the T.R.W. Department to S.C & S.T. students on application in the prescribed form.
- Financial Assistance is given to the children of Goldsmiths affected by the promulgation of Gold Control Order.
- Financial Assistance is given to the children of Ex-service Personnel.
- Scholarship are awarded to students orthopedically handicapped on application.
- Leave Rules for Scholarship Holders.
Absence without leave for any period up to 30 days at one time will entail loss of scholarship for twice the period of absence. Absence without leave for more than 30 days at one time will entail forfeitures of the scholarship (1) Scholarships may be withdrawn at any time if the progress or conduct of the scholar is unsatisfactory. (2) Leave other than sick – leave. Absence with leave up to seven days at one time will entail no loss of scholarship. Longer absence with leave, other than sick-leave will entail loss of scholarship for the whole period of absence. Students whose scholarships are tenable in the college, may get this scholarship transferred from this college when they take their transfer certificate, provided they make an application to the Principal to this effect.
- Certificates for Railway concession tickets are issued to bonafide students of the college for journey for the following purpose only.
- Going to home during vacations.
- Going to attend interview for educational purposes.
- Study tour (group concession only)
- Coming to college to attend the classes (Season tickets).
- To get certificate a student has to apply in prescribed form available in the college office. The application form along with the receipt will be presented to the Principal for necessary orders. The certificate will be issued on the third day from the date of application student. Students are required to apply for the certificate well in advance in order to avoid inconvenience.
- The certificate is valid for fourteen days from the date of issue for outward journey and for three months for return journey.
- Return tickets are not issued by the Railway authorities in the case of return journey, the students are to present the concession order and the student fail at the forwarding station, which will verify and make an endorsement about the genuineness of the certificate and will affix the signature and the station stamp. If the certificate is not so endorsed the station from which the return journey will commence will refuse to issue concessional tickets.
- Students should carry with them the college identity card to the issuing station and all through the journey and produce if before the Railway authorities on demand.
- In case girl students, escorts may be allowed to travel with the party concessional fares. Only one escort is allowed for every four such students.
- The term ‘home’ for the purpose means.
- Native place of the student.
- The place where the parents or the guardians of the students are residing at the time.
- The place where either of the parents or the parents or the guardians of the students are residing at the time.
- The addresses are to be verified with the addresses given by the students at the time of admission in thief admission application forms.